Saturday, March 3, 2012

How can i get cheap flights from london to dominican republic?

Hello! I looked at and I found some rough fares for mid october

You can not get a direct flight from London

American airlines-----------462 pounds. via New York (JFK)

Virgin Atlantic-----------------485pounds. via New York. You flay from London-NY on Virgin then AA to Santo Domingo

Contenental Airlines----------634pounds. via NY. London-NY Contenental, NY-Santo Domingo with AA

Air France-----------------744pounds. Via Paris.

I would recomend that you go to your travel agent (a good one) and they will help you even if they think a internet fare is better.

Go and have a look yourself at

make sure you get the 1 in www1

the city that you fly into is Santo Domingo

Good Luck!How can i get cheap flights from london to dominican republic?
ask jeevesHow can i get cheap flights from london to dominican republic?
ask someone
call rush limpba**s, he's known as the viagra king in the DR, as you may recall. he'll probably have some ideas. ;-) goodluck
your best bet is the telextext. there are loads of companies that just do the flights rather than commiting you to a hotel as well and best of all most are free fone numbers itv
have look at travelzoo they list cheap flights ,the top twenty

some as cheap as 99 pence outward flight
ask your travel agency

1 comment:

  1. London has a lot of place that you will never forget after this holiday season because this city has a great place to enjoy. I wish there was a cheap flights next month so that I will spent my new year there.

    Chicago to Las Vegas
