Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Where can I find cheap flights from Quito to Buenos Aires?

We need to get an internal flight from Quito to Buenos Aires but booking from the UK is coming up so expensive! I've heard that internal flights in South America are cheaper to book when you're there - but is there anyway of doing this from UK?Where can I find cheap flights from Quito to Buenos Aires?
Try Lan airlines. They're based out of chile, but fly all over South America, including from Quito to Buenos Aires. I just did a quick check and a 1 person round-trip ticket cost about $573. I don't know how this compares with your prices, but then again, I don't know what time fram you're working with.
If Lan was too high, try Copa or Taca airlines.



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Where can I find cheap flights from Quito to Buenos Aires?

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