Is it better to book way in advance or last minute?Where can I find cheap flights to South Africa?
In the UK book in advance - the cheaper seats go first. Every flight I have been on has been full so don't count on last minute seats. Avoid half-terms like the plague as people will even go there for a week as there is no jet lag. Flightcentre and DialaFlight often come up trumps.
way in advance it best, try or south african airways, or mango airlines, or 1time airlines, these are all the southafrican airlines I can think of now...Where can I find cheap flights to South Africa?
Plane operators - would be my guess
It depends where you are flying from and when you want to travel. My sister always finds the cheapest flight to South Africa leaves on Xmas eve and arrives Xmas morning. Qatar Airways has cheap flights via Doha, also Air Namibia, Air Kenya but these all stopover somewhere for a couple of hours. Look up this website: or just search for flights to South Africa on the internet.
try i went with them
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